Wildlife Monitoring

Through Science Partnerships

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Bird Point Counts

Understanding the bird community composition at Vesper Meadow: Our partners at the Klamath Bird Observatory implement point count surveys to monitor breeding bird distribution, diversity, and abundance. These data are very useful to measure changes to the landscape and the effectiveness of our stewardship activities. Point count surveys are completed during the breeding season, from early May through early July. Surveys begin at sunrise, and are completed within four hours. At each point count station, the observer records all birds that are seen or heard and estimates the distance to each individual during a 5-minute count period. Recording the distance to each bird detected allows estimation of detection probability.


Butterfly surveys

Vesper Meadow is part of the greater Cascade-Siskiyou region, world renown for plant and butterfly diversity. We are honored to support the developing body of long-term local research for butterfly diversity monitoring and imperiled species. Our protocols follow standards established by the Xerces Society for The Cascade Siskiyou Butterfly Monitoring Project. (download here)

Further Resources:

Check out this visual guide to Cascade-Siskiyou regional butterflies on iNaturalist

See the Bureau of Land Management’s list of butterfly species in the interpretive brochure.

See the results of our Butterfly diversity surveys at Pollardbase.org

Have plant or butterfly identification skills? Contact us to get involved as a volunteer with the regional wide Cascade-Siskiyou Butterfly Monitoring Network

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Vesper Sparrow Studies

Information collecting at Vesper Meadow by the Klamath Bird Observatory is contributing to a range‐wide Oregon Vesper Sparrow study to assess limiting factors and inform conservation action. This study will assess productivity, survivorship, dispersal, recruitment, and habitat in order to identify where within the annual life cycle conservation actions are needed. In 2018, KBO located and monitored nests as well as color banded adult Vesper Sparrows at Lily Glen Equestrian Park, the project will now focus on re-sighting color banded birds to measure dispersal, survival, and recruitment as well as continuing the nest monitoring and banding efforts.

With Community Science

Bird walks and monitoring

Get involved: Join us for a bird walk and contribute your birding data to the Vesper Meadow Hotspot through the international eBird network:


Species diversity and wildlife monitoring

Get involved: Help to paint the full picture of life at Vesper Meadow and in it’s interconnected landscape over time but adding your observations to the iNaturalist network:

Through Student Research


Riparian and beaver habitat assessment

We are looking at historical beaver activity and documenting the habitat resources like aspen, willow, and alder, that could sustain beaver at Vesper Meadow. As an ecological keystone species, return of beaver to Vesper Meadow would be a favorable indicator of successful creek restoration efforts. Read more about Elva’s experiences surveying at Vesper Meadow!

Integrated with Education


Wildlife Tracking

Careful observations are made and recorded during our studies and educational walks. Direct wildlife encounters, track and sign of animals, and trail cameras are used to gather data of who and how Vesper Meadow is used as habitat.

Check out our upcoming events for seasonal wildlife walks!