Youth Programs

Adapted for Diverse Learning Styles


We help craft powerful learning experiences of learning and deep connections with the natural world for youth groups, families, and K-12 class trips. We invite you to join us as we re-discover the sense of wonder for nature's mysteries that all children share.

We use art, storytelling, and tangible examples to cultivate a supportive learning environment at Vesper Meadow. We strive to develop students’ full potential by working in small groups and encouraging students to explore in the ways that are fun and personalized. Our teaching style focuses on:

  • The importance of heightened awareness in students, and how it relates to critical thinking and problem solving.

  • How to use symbol and metaphor to create a powerful educational environment.

  • The role of brain patterning, and the natural flow of the human learning process.

  • How artistic expressions open a doorway to authentic student growth.

  • Essential routines found throughout the world that ground students in their senses and expand awareness.

Working with Teachers for personalized Curriculum:

All our lessons are interdisciplinary, bringing art and science together for enriched learning. We are glad to bring inquiry-based, fun experiments and interesting nature specimens into the classroom, or provide pre-field trip lessons to prepare for a big day out. If you would like to plan a field trip to Vesper Meadow, we will work with you to in crafting an experience that is integrated into classroom learning and enhances standards-based learning.

Example field trip topics:

  • Ecosystem Connections: Identifying birds and using binoculars, water sampling, searching for insects with magnifiers, and collecting plant data for a habitat assessment will help us learn about indicators of ecosystem health. We’ll collect data, discuss community science Teachers will have the option to extend learning post-field trip through use of online data platforms like eBird and iNaturalist.

  • Local human history: We will learn about first peoples and various settlers to the Rogue Valley to gain a deeper understanding of our current local context. Through storytelling, understanding archaeological studies, and searching for clues in the landscape will provide insight into the dynamic relationship between people and land. Students will explore future possibilities of the human-land relationship and how to take action for a just and sustainable future.

  • Nature Journal Hike We’ll introduce students to the tried-and-true art of scientific observation, while using art as a tool for understanding and connecting to nature. Providing options for students to observe, write, draw, and experience an inner-quiet, we’ll create an experience that is not possible in the classroom. Students will travel with periodic journaling stops to ‘collect’ different places throughout Vesper Meadow.

  • Forests and Climate Change Direct observation, developing hypotheses, and creative expression will enable students to see the forest through a new lens. We’ll help students untangle confusion about forest fires, climate change, and discuss how to can become climate-wise stewards in the future. Providing tangible forest monitoring skills will engage students with inquiry, basic math, and fun sensory exercises.

  • Animal tracking and Landscape Connectivity Discover how tracking is the original, multi-disciplinary, and multi-sensory way in which human beings have evolved to observe patterns and make sense out of the world. Tracking is a great way to foster empathy for other beings. We'll spend time learning print identification, sign tracking, animal behavior, ecological assessment and analysis. Students will remain engaged with their senses and excited to learn a new skill. Further connections include studying animal migration, and the importance of landscape connectivity.

  • Stewardship learning We are glad to pair stewardship learning with science and art curriculum for hands-on experiences that empower students to take action in their own backyard. With restoration becoming increasingly important in many different fields, students will not only build a relationship with their environment through service, but also learn skills applicable for future careers.